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Durum Wheat Breeding
Cultivar Name: Uzan
Breeders name: Dr. Uri Kushnir and Kamal Nashef
Durum wheat cultivar, mid-early phenology, semi-dwarf.
Double haploid line developed from F1 hybrid between and American desert durum cultivar and an Israeli durum - T. dicoccoides derivative.

Cultivar Name: Gvati
Breeders name: Dr. Uri Kushnir and Kamal Nashef
Durum wheat cultivar, mid-early phenology, semi-dwarf.
Double haploid line developed from F1 hybrid between and American desert durum cultivar and an Israeli durum-T. dicoccoides derivative.

Cultivar Name: Eliav
Breeders name: Dr. Uri Kushnir and Kamal Nashef
Durum wheat cultivar, mid-early phenology, semi-dwarf.
Double haploid line developed from F1 hybrid between and American desert durum cultivar and an Israeli durum- Ae. speltoides dicoccoides derivative.

Seeds are available from Dalia Seeds (Israel).
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