Bread Wheat Breeding
Cultivar Name: Ruta
Breeders name: Dr. Uri Kushnir and Kamal Nashef
Bread wheat cultivar, intermediate-late phenology, semi-dawrf.
Multi purpose usage (grains and animal feed).
Supreme baking quality achieved via mutation in storage proteins (Glutenins and Gliadins). Bright grain color, suitable for a whole meal baking products.
The first commercial wheat cultivar that was developed by cell engineering (tissue culture) and was introduced successfully to agriculture.

Cultivar Name: Bar-Nir
Breeders name: Dr. Uri Kushnir and Kamal Nashef
Bread wheat cultivar, early phenology, high grains yield, lodging resistance.
Resistance to Leaf rust and Yellow rust.
A product of cytoplasmic breeding: the wheat cytoplasm was substituted by the wild wheat relative Aegilops variabilis cytoplasm.

Cultivar Name: Binyamin
Breeders name: Dr. Uri Kushnir and Kamal Nashef
Bread wheat cultivar, early-intermediate phenology, dwarf, with high yield of grains and biomass, lodging resistance, heat tolerance, High protein content.
Resistance to Yellow rust.
Hybridization derivative of wild Aegilops speltoides with bread wheat.

Cultivar Name: Tishrey
Breeders name: Dr. Uri Kushnir and Kamal Nashef
Bread wheat cultivar, early-intermediate phenology, semi-dawrf.
Multi purpose (grains and animal feed), lodging resistance.
Resistance to Leaf rust and Yellow rust.

Cultivar Name: Aviv
Breeders name: Dr. Uri Kushnir and Kamal Nashef
Bread wheat cultivar with ultra-early phenology, semi-dwarf, high grain yield,
Lodging resistance, high gluten index.
Hybridization derivative of wild Triticum dicoccoides with bread wheat.

Cultivar Name: Mispo 37
Breeders name: Dr. Uri Kushnir and Kamal Nashef
Bread wheat cultivar with very late phenology, high biomass production and high dry matter yield.
Lodging resistance, high tillering, resistance to all rusts and powdery mildew.
Hybridization derivative of wild Triticum dicoccoides with bread wheat.